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Turn Into A Confident Girlfriend
To become a confident girlfriend you need to be a confident woman. Although appearing insecure and frightened may appeal to some men because they can then be the protective one, but most men don't like insecure women. When a lady is insecure she will constantly worry about losing her man and will become very possessive off him. She may constantly question him and want to know where he is and what he is doing all the time and a man will soon become tired of this. Instead, it is best to be confident, smart and independent and he will be proud to be your man.
There are men that are bullies and treat their girlfriends badly and usually this is because the man is insecure. They tried to hide their insecurities by being in control of the relationship and the woman. They think that if they are in control then they are more of a man . If you have a man like this then he may not react well to your change if you become independent and confident but if a man is like this then you need to ask yourself if he is really the man you want to spend your life with.
If you feel that you are insecure and get very jealous then there are some questions that you need to ask yourself so you can become more confident.
Why are you so jealous? Is there a reason to be jealous? Has your boyfriend been unfaithful and caused you to lose trust in him? Does your boyfriend flirt with other girls just to make you jealous? Have you been cheated on by a previous boyfriend? Or are you just an insecure person and always have been?
You need to consider these relevant questions and discover the reason behind your jealousy and insecurity. Only when you discover the reason did it is fixed simply by you. You may want to discover a counselor for some time to sort out your insecurities and figure out how to be comfortable and pleased with your life as well as your relationship.
When the reason is well known by you for the insecurities, if they are from a thing that has happened previously or if they are from something the man you're dating is doing, once you know the reason it is possible to combat your insecurities and be well informed in yourself then.
In some cases maybe you have been confident previously but also for some reason have grown to be insecure inside your relationship. This may happen if you as well as your boyfriend happen to be on different levels in relation to relationships. You may feel that you love him more than he loves you or you need him more than he requirements you. In case you have these feelings then it is natural that you will begin to feel insecure.
These insecurities can deepen the problem and when he knows you are insecure he may begin to love you or need you less. Occasionally it may be a major misconception that you believe you love him more than he loves you and if you talk to him about it you might find that it isn't the case. If you can learn to be confident again then you will once again be the confident person he first fell in love with and this can bring back the spark and the love in the relationship.
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